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Eurovision Insight News Podcast: Icebergs, Ahoy!
ESC Insight 2012 Album Cover

A flood of songs, a diary of adventure, and why is everyone getting disqualified? Ewan Spence and Dudepoints discuss the latest ups and downs from the Eurovision Song Contest in the latest Insight News podcast.

How To Get 11,006 People On Stage: Eurovision’s Party For Participation
Kaarija, Liverpool, Finalnd 2023 (image: EBU /

From an invitation-only audience with a strict dress code, to the wild rumpus of flags, outfits, facepaints and singing aloud, the Eurovision Song Contest has been on a long journey to embrace the audience. Martin Bishop looks at how the Song Contest became our Song Contest.

ESC Insight Presents…..Eurovision Wars: Protesting From The Malmö Stage
Eurovision Wars S03E03: Protesting from the Malmö stage (artwork: Phil Dore, SVT, EBU)

In episode four of the Eurovision Wars podcast, we reach Malmö 2024. Tensions are high all round, and several artists are looking at their moment in the global spotlight as an opportunity to speak to the world.

Merry FiKmas Everyone!
Festivali i Kenges, Fest 63 (image RTSH)

Albanians worldwide are preparing to enjoy this year’s Festivali i Kenges. So is the Eurovision Song Contest community. Martin Bishop looks at one of Eurovision’s Christmas traditions.

Eurovision Chat Over Coffee, Basel 2025 Art Director Artur Deyneuve
Discussing Basel 2025 design and the Eurovision brand (photo EBO / SRR SRG)

Ewan Spence sits down with Artur Deyneuve to talk about the visual design of Basel 2025, the Swiss Grid, half tone images, why Helvetica is not the chosen font, and more, in the latest ESC Insight Chat Over Coffee podcast.

The Audacity Of United By Music
The stage for the 68th Eurovision Song Contest (photo: / Peppe Andersson)

Liverpool’s Eurovision Song Contest brought us “United By Music.” Following its success, the EBU adopted it as the Contest slogan into the future. Ahead of a potential secondary slogan from Basel, Erik Nelson thinks about the impact of our forever slogan.

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