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Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Sharleen Wright Written by on September 15, 2017 | 2 Comments

Île de Bezençon… an island where all you can bring is eight Eurovision songs and a luxury, if you can get them over the border. As the summer stretches out, Sharleen Wright is the island’s next visitor on Eurovision Castaways, the ESC Insight summer podcast series. Add the RSS Feed to your favourite podcast application, or click here to follow us in iTunes and keep up to date with Eurovision during the summer of 2017 and beyond.

Ellie Chalkley is behind the customs desk as Sharleen remembers her school disco Eurovision moment, stalking Latvians in airports and the Big Balkan Ballad that changed it all.

Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Sharleen Wright

The ESC Insight crew are off to Île de Bezençon for the summer with their favourite Eurovision related songs and stories. Next up at the customs desk is Sharleen Wright who has tales of minor crimes and misdemeanours involving Tim Tams, watching the contest as a child in Australia and argues over whether or not Johnny Logan is cool.

Keep listening to the ESC Insight podcast as the new season gathers pace for more Eurovision news, fun, and chat. You’ll find the show in iTunes, and a direct RSS feed is also available. We also have a regular email newsletter which you can sign up to here.

About The Author: Ellie Chalkley

Ellie Chalkley is an all-round music, media and culture enthusiast and citizen of the internet. As an overly analytical pop fan and general knowledge hoarder she finds the Eurovision Song Contest bubble to be her natural home. She comments gnomically and statistically on Eurovision matters at

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2 responses to “Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Sharleen Wright”

  1. Martin says:

    Not sure if “Hold Me Now” is cool but it definitely is THE BEST EUROVISION LOVE SONG ever!

    A very different eight there and an interesting selection – I didn’t realise that National Final songs were accepted onto the island, I might have to make a change to my list 😉

    As for the luxury, that made me laugh out loud!

  2. Shai says:

    Sirens -Estonia 2010- As one of the few who actually like the song, I was happy to hear you have included it. It’s fine song, a bit depressing, but has it’s own sound and style.
    When this series of podcast started, I started to think of the 8 Eurovision songs, I would like to take with me to an island , and this song was on my list all time. Eventually it finished at 9th of 10th place,missing out on a tie break(The list is ready, now just need to write down the reasons)
    This song represents the kind of song that doesn’t fit what people think Eurovision song is. If you let people hear the song and ask them if this is a Eurovision song or not, most of them will say no as it doesn’t fit the cliché. That is what I like about Eurovision. Every now and than there is that song which avoid the cliché associated with Eurovision and it make it an interesting listen.

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