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Eurovision Insight Podcast: Juke Box Jury 2022 #7 Written by on April 27, 2022 | 5 Comments

Our seventh Juke Box Jury, as we review the songs heading to Turin 2022 for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. You can listen to all the  episodes, and all of the ESC Insight podcasts covering Turin, by adding the RSS Feed to your favourite podcast application, or clicking here to follow us in iTunes and never miss an episode.

Before the votes and points in Turin, this year’s Eurovision songs are looking for their hits, misses, and maybes.

Eurovision Insight Podcast: Juke Box Jury #7
with Elaine O’Neill and Fin Ross Russell

Belgium: Miss You, by Jérémie Makiese.
Ukraine: Stefania, by Kalush Orchestra.
Montenegro: Breathe, by Vladana.
France: Fulenn, by Alvan & Ahez.
Moldova: Trenulețul, by Zdob și Zdub and Frații Advahov.

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About The Author: Ewan Spence

British Academy (BAFTA) nominated broadcaster and writer Ewan Spence is the voice behind The Unofficial Eurovision Song Contest Podcast and one of the driving forces behind ESC Insight. Having had an online presence since 1994, he is a noted commentator around the intersection of the media, internet, technology, mobility and how it affects us all. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, his work has appeared on the BBC, The Stage, STV, and The Times. You can follow Ewan on Twitter (@ewan) and Facebook (

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5 responses to “Eurovision Insight Podcast: Juke Box Jury 2022 #7”

  1. Shai says:

    It all depends how this will sound live. It’s not a bad song but his live rendition will make it or break it. I am also not sure if this a song which stays hanging after one listening. I am suppose to like this song but it leaves me quite cold – MISS/MAYBE

    Am I the only one who hear 2 disjointed songs here?
    The 1st song is the opening section and most of the song with the flute lead music. The other song is the rap section. The section with the flute is actually quite good and has a certain melancholy to iets which is appealing without been overtly sentimental. This section is a very gentle reminiscence of last year’s song.The rap section is just a bit brutal and takes away from the strength of the other section. The rap section basically destroy my enjoyment I have from the other section.
    I also think the song ends up a bit awkwardly as if they didn’t know how to bring the song to a finish.
    I know that there are a lot of people think that this is a winner. I am not so sure. Sympathy aside, it doesn’t scream a winner for me. Qualifying with ease and probably top 10 in the final. If it was the flute lead song for the whole song it would be a HIT. The rap makes it a MAYBE

    Montenegro –
    I think the intention here is for an emotional stirring song. It just misses all the marks and land on the side of a meh song. Something is really wrong here. There is no match between the text and the music. It all seems artificially imposed instead of being honest and emotional -MISS

    It’s a bit of a messy song but it also a song which has the power to attract a lot of voters, if performed well. He has a rough edge to his voice. They, on the other hand, have a kind of gentle voices and I am not sure the voices blend well in this one.The focus is more on him , which I am not sure is a good thing. I am on the fence here. It could do great things or fail miserably – (a very strong )MAYBE

    The 1st minute put a smile on my face and makes me tiptoeing. Afterwards it’s just repeating itself , becomes too long and annoying. Someone forgot to add some musical ideas to make it more interesting than it actually is. It’s one of the few upbeat and happy song in this year’s line up. It will get the song to the final but will not go further that right hand side of the scoreboard- MISS/MAYBE

  2. Ben Pitchers says:

    Belgium: MAYBE. Jérémie has a fantastic voice and really gets to show it off with this song. I think this is a better version of what Azerbaijan is trying to do with their song. There’s more emotion on display and Jérémie gets to showcase his whole range. It’s not another ballad but a mid-tempo R&B number. Saying that, there’s something about the composition that makes it a good but not great entry. Maybe the choruses could be stronger. I think it has a chance to qualify but is one of the many entries in SF2 on the bubble.

    Ukraine: HIT. Ukraine continues its tradition of Vidbir producing distinctive, quality entries to the contest. I’m very happy that we have back-to-back entries in the Ukrainian language that are modern but feature folk elements. It will stand out well and be unmistakably Ukrainian. The band have an infectious energy that fills the stage and reminds me of Zdob is Zdub’s first entry in 2005. All the talk is whether it will be the winner. I would say they have a chance, but for me it’s most likely to be another proud top 5 entry.

    Montenegro: MISS. I was very happy that Montenegro broke the mould and chose a female artist for Eurovision. I think Vladana has a good voice but the song doesn’t move me and make me feel emotions. I wonder if I’d enjoy it more if it was in Montenegrin, as it seems like a Balkan ballad sung in English. It’s a bit too repetitive and doesn’t have a hook and unfortunately easy to forget after it’s over.

    France: MAYBE. This stood out for me immediately during the national final and I was very happy that it won. It’s a big departure from the usual French entries and represents a risk. I think it comes alive more when sung live compared to the studio version. The staging needs to be tightened up and look a less amateurish. I gave this a maybe instead of a hit because I don’t find myself rushing back to listen to it and I’m not sure how well it’ll stand out to the other entries in the final versus its French competition.

    Moldova: MAYBE. The first time I saw it after the auditions I wasn’t very impressed. I think that was due to the static nature of the performance. The first time I watched the music video I started enjoying it more and more every time I listened to it. The video helped bring across the joyful and celebratory nature of the song. I’ve no doubt Zdob is Zdub will put on a great stage performance. I think they definitely have a chance to qualify assuming the juries don’t mark it down too much.

  3. mark dowd says:

    Belgium….weak maybe. Good vocals but lacks a memorable meme. If it struggles, may end up 11th.

    Ukraine: agree it’s a schizo song. Massive televote hit, but juries?? Overall…3rd or 4th .

    Montenegro: sorry. Big miss.

    France: classy, Breton is a masterstroke. Live they could be dodgy….def left side. But not sure they will challenge top positions.

    Moldova: infectious. Panel got this right. Top ten prospects. Not winners but we need their energy.

  4. Eurojock says:

    Belgium – This could be Top 10 with the juries (see the Eurojury poll). The panel are right though. The chorus lets it down.

    Ukraine – The Eurojury poll has this 4th with the juries. It could go into the televote needing to make up up to 100 points to overhaul, Sweden, UK and Italy. More than achievable in the first two cases, a taller but not impossible order in relation to Italy.

    Montenegro – One of my personal favourites this year. I don’t see it qualifying, particularly if Vladana reprises her Israeli pre-party turn where she came on stage dressed as a shark and shrieked rather than sang the high notes.

    France – The televote potential is huge, but it will depend on how they deliver on the night. There are nagging doubts about the blending of the vocals. Also, this is not traditional jury fare, (the Eurojury poll had it in 13th) so we are not talking Eurovision winner here.

    Moldova – Not the innocent, wedding dance toe-tapper that many appear to think. This particular train is on a journey to Moldovan-Romanian unity, taking in the destinations of EU and NATO membership along the way. If Vladimir Putin happens to be tuning in on 14th May, the background accompaniment that Fin and Ewan hear won’t be ‘fiddles’ or ‘train wheels clacking on rails’ but Russian tanks rolling over Moldovan soil.

  5. Mio says:

    Belgium – There is Eurovision the contest, my favorite week of the year. And there is Eurovision that lives on all year long in the music I listen to and the artists I follow. This song is a hit on my 2022 playlist. As a song it is a HIT for me. For the contest maybe it’s a maybe but I am hopeful for qualification.

    Ukraine – This is a HIT on so many levels. It should have won this JBJ, and I think I can win Eurovision.

    Montenegro – I love Balkan Ballads. “Lane Moje” and “Molitva” are two of my favorite songs of all time. This one one is a MISS for me, and echoing the panel I think think English lyrics definitely hurt this song.

    France – I started getting excited for ESC 2022 when A & A won their NF. I love language and music diversity in Eurovision. Because of “Fulenn,” I am learning about and enjoying Celtic Revival music from Breton. One of my favorites of the year. A major HIT!

    Moldova – I enjoyed the panel discussion. I love this song as well, my favorite from ZsZ . Joyful energy, meaning, and purpose. The spirit of Eurovision, yes. It is a HIT for me. I am hoping to see it in the final. In the end I do believe Ukraine and France will place higher, but I would be happy to see Moldova soar up the scoreboard.