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Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Chris Halpin Written by on November 10, 2017 | 4 Comments

The ESC Insight crew are off to Île de Bezençon for the off-season with their favourite Eurovision related songs and stories. This week we’re joined by Chris Halpin of Wiwibloggs fame, who regales us with tales of Mini-Wogan, speaks up for rock at the Song Contest, and his big love for the Benelux region. Add the RSS Feed to your favourite podcast application, or click here to follow us in iTunes and keep up to date with Eurovision as the new season unfolds.

Once more Ellie Chalkley gets behind the customs desk to welcome another visitor to the Île de Bezençon, judge their record selections, and ponder their luxury.

Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Chris Halpin

This week we’re joined by Chris Halpin of Wiwibloggs fame, who regales us with tales of Mini Wogan, speaks up for rock at Eurovision and has big love for the Benelux region.

Keep listening to the ESC Insight podcast as the new season gathers pace for more Eurovision news, fun, and chat. You’ll find the show in iTunes (click to subscribe), and a direct RSS feed is also available (copy this link into your favourite podcast player where it asks for the feed address). We also have a regular email newsletter which you can sign up to here.

About The Author: Ellie Chalkley

Ellie Chalkley is an all-round music, media and culture enthusiast and citizen of the internet. As an overly analytical pop fan and general knowledge hoarder she finds the Eurovision Song Contest bubble to be her natural home. She comments gnomically and statistically on Eurovision matters at

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4 responses to “Eurovision Insight Podcast: Eurovision Castaways, with Chris Halpin”

  1. Martin says:

    So you are moving outside the ESC Insight entourage now for your castaways? There is hope for us all yet…

    Chris had his first Eurovision memory in 1997? How old do I feel now?

    A nice eclectic mix too – I wasn’t really expecting that selection, to be honest. A really interesting listen comment-wise too.

  2. Eurojock says:

    Really good podcast from Ellie and Chris. I couldn’t agree more with Chris’s comment about songs like Rhythm Inside being the future direction of Eurovision.

  3. Shai says:

    First a compliment – When I read who the guest is and on which site he contribute, I was afraid for a podcast full of songs from 2000 onward. It was surprise to hear someone young, that love the contest and actually has a knowledge of old contests.

    @ Martin – Monty from the previous podcast, was already outside the ESC Insight regular contributors. I think Ellie has already covered them all.
    I hope that Ellie will find a way to let the readers to participate in this project too.

    @ Eurojock – I like Rhythm Inside very much, but don’t need all songs to sound a like.Variety is what make it interesting for me.